New content has also been updated with new Rocket League Credits

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New content has also been updated with new Rocket League Credits

Rockets League tournament update is now available on PS4, Xbox One, PC and switches to play. This update adds the ability to create and participate in competitions, as well as some bug fixes, some additional small features and some new tunes from Monstercat.

Psyonix has released an update to their first major function of 2018 today, bringing a new game select a host of all platforms.This including new competition system that allows players to create and join the game in the game, the least restrictive entry maximum competition and competitiveness rankings, one of the other options to customize.

New content has also been updated with new Rocket League Credits , including new and additional national triumph wooden flags.Players will find new options to sort, filter, and organize inventory items, restrict chat team chat quickly added to the game but, rockets, and other graphics to the Nintendo League switch.

These changes are quite significant switch provides a new visual upgrade to all those who play on the road between home.Switch players in the options menu in the "Video" tab under the "performance" and "quality" can now select.
