Discover Why Most PLR Tips Do NOT Work!

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PRO PLR Tips and Guides on how to use PLR, for individuals and small businesses looking to grow.

If you’ve ever seen a sales page for a private label rights (PLR) bundle, you’ll usually
observe a list of PLR tips telling you how you can use the content.

Here’s what you need to know – most of the PLR tips work… but at the same time,
they DO NOT work for most PLR buyers.

Sounds confusing? Don’t panic. Further explanation below…

 Traffic is not taken into account
It’s very common to see PLR tips telling you to ‘sell the product as your own’ or to
use the PLR report to build a list and so on.

What most PLR vendors and sales pages fail to tell you is that you need to know
traffic generation. This is the missing piece of the puzzle that no one is talking about.

You could post a PLR article on your blog to drive traffic. But your efforts are going to
be in vain if you don’t have a clue about search engine optimization (SEO).

Posting the content alone does NOT translate to generating traffic. You must have a
good knowledge of SEO. The same applies to PLR videos, getting optins for your
PLR lead magnet and so on.

Even if you use PLR content to generate traffic on places like YouTube, Pinterest,
etc. knowledge of optimization is crucial.

Alternatively, you could learn paid traffic and avoid the pain of waiting and testing
your SEO strategies. However, paid traffic has its own learning curve and it’ll cost
you money.

Everything is contingent on your ability to drive traffic to the web properties where
your PLR is being displayed.

Most of the tips given to you will NOT work if you cannot drive traffic to your web
properties. So, learn traffic generation as soon as you can.

 Make it sound easier than it is

Once again PLR buyers are misled into believing that things are easy and they can
just ‘slap their name on the content and sell it as it is’. That’s actually the lure of ‘Biz-
In-A-Box’ PLR products.

In theory, this can work. In reality… it can work too. However, it doesn’t work too

Achieving real success with a PLR product comes from rebranding it or personalizing

You’ll need to get new graphics created for the eBook and report which came with
the ‘Biz-In-A-Box’ package. This is to stand out from the rest of the PLR buyers.

If you’re using the PLR articles on your site and you want them to rank in the search
engines, you’ll have to rewrite about 55% of the content to make it look unique in
Google’s eyes.

You’ll also need to set up the sales pages, payment processing, a blog, etc. and all
the other components required to actually make money with the PLR you’ve bought.

All this is work. PLR may have made things a little easier, but there is still quite a bit
of work left to do. It’s NEVER as easy or hands-free as you’re led to believe.

 Lack of tutorials

It’s quite difficult to find tutorials showing you exactly how to use the PLR you buy.
There are a few PLR sellers who have tutorials for their audience. You need to find
those and learn from there.

A lack of know-how can impede your progress. It’s easy to apply the tips incorrectly
and yield mediocre results.

 Outdated

PLR tips telling you to create Squidoo lenses or post on article directories are
outdated. They may have worked in the past, but are inoperative now.

Always check and see if the methods you’re working on are still relevant. Things
online change fast. You’ll need to be up to date on the latest tactics that work.

 Not all methods make money

There are PLR tips being dished out which sound good in theory, but are impractical
and convoluted in reality.

One common tip given by a few PLR sellers is that you do NOT need to rewrite your
PLR content. Their view is that you purchased the content to save yourself time on
writing. So, it’s counterproductive to rewrite your PLR content.

Of course, there’s a vested interest here. The PLR vendor wants to make things look
easy so that the buyer quickly buys from them.

The truth of the matter is that there are times when you’ll not need to rewrite the
content (e.g. selling PLR eBooks) and there are times when you MUST edit and
rewrite at least half the content (e.g. when trying to rank in the search engines for
certain keywords). For personal development related PLR products, browse here.

So, the PLR tips/methods given to you may or may not work depending on your
goals. There are several variables that must be factored into consideration before
treating any PLR tip as gospel.

In conclusion, just know that while there are many ways to use your PLR, not all
ways will yield profit… and there is work involved in using PLR.

Master traffic generation and use your PLR content in the most optimal ways to
generate sales so that your online business will be profitable.

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin
