Rulers of the battlefield that love to Maplestory M Mesos

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Rulers of the battlefield that love to Maplestory M Mesos

Afterward, as you level up, more will become available to you! This is used to your active abilities, and will replenish slowly over time (all tasks have an attacking ability which doesn't use up SP and replenishes SP when used).EP is your white bar under your HP and SP, and it regenerates much quicker than HP and SP.

Like flying, it is used for many skills such as teleports, dashes, and other items.Rulers of the battlefield that love to Maplestory M Mesos fight. Berserkers rampage instill fear inside their opponents and when wielding their Sword. They charge directly ruining them. They bring out a much more amazing strength when cornered.

Maple World's Berserkers are proven to be increased in a tribe from Maple Story 2 Mesos Perion. In order to survive the surroundings that was harsh and barren, their tribe became more powerful and more warriors that were gifted than many others. Those who learnt until they could walk, to swing a sword were awarded the title Berserker.

Chaos arose when one of those three Lapenta that protected the Maple World fell. Heart of Red Wolf, perion's Chief, allowed even those who'd outstanding fighting spirit and demanding strength, although not from the tribe.

The mental and physical prowess needed exceed human limits, and few become warriors.
