The loading screen is on Fortnite materials

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The loading screen is on Fortnite materials

This week? The loading screen is on Fortnite materials top of the post here, and if you look carefully, you may see the ghost of a battle star on top of the main building of the chemical.

So, where you're going is situated on the map here. Lazy Links is not the best drop point ever, but you can do worse, and it's certainly a step up from Anarchy Acres.Here's an aerial perspective of Lazy Links if you are seeking to land right on it to snag the conflict star immediately when the game stars.

So far, the next two loading screens haven't leaked yet (they generally leak in pairs), so I am not certain where we are heading following this. My guess will be the desert when we're continuing to have a tour of the new areas, but maybe the Viking Village on top of the waterfall? I could see a conflict star being hidden on the Cheap fortnite items boat somewhere, or something like this.

I thought that The Visitor was a bit of a letdown as last year's blockbuster skin, just because there was seven weeks of hype in front of him. While elevation 100's Ragnarok is a really scary Viking at his final form, he doesn't seem like he would be a foe for Drift specifically.
