Getting xp from clicking on Rsgoldfast

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Only did it for interfaces accessibility for OSRS gold whenever its members,so I can eventually access this armour and weapons.

Only did it for interfaces accessibility for OSRS gold whenever its members,so I can eventually access this armour and weapons.Does not help when you replace every Jmod that has been passionate about the game with new individuals who just exist to make a profit.Passion creates more gain in regards to gambling than making your plete goal gain.

We're basically that today.I had been joking,but its very notification of a skill when even when the xp prices are poopoo folks mass flock to it and its likely the most convenient means to level it on an iron given it is resourceless.

You can still get 99 at a reasonable timeframe using the portables.Beach event material is not only half optimal xp or something,it is like 20-25percent at best.RS3 seasonal events really are a joke.

They are the exact same format over and over and revolve round ONE single thing:XP(and garbage cosmetics,and seeking to encourage people to purchase MTXs to maximise what the xp they get from the event)the whole point of seasonal events is just to bypass actually playing the sport and grinding and only getting xp from clicking on Rsgoldfast something.The whole of all rs3 boils down to just xp.Ever rs3 player's goal is just to get as much xp,as most 99s or 200m xp's as possible.
