The Land With Friendly Ambiance

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yaung Shwe City Hotel - Inle has 71 spacious, same standards Royal Deluxe Twin and double air-conditioned rooms. Book a Nyaung Shwe Hotel in Inle for your holiday to Nyaung Shwe City in Myanmar

There are a couple aspects to think about if you're expecting to do a bit of international travel, and if you're searching for a break from the mundane, where you could take part in exciting events and a unique environment, search no further than Myanmar.


With fun-filled festivals throughout the year, Myanmar has a lot to offer in the way of tourism that you wouldn't have thought twice about. Welcoming those with tourist visas to explore some hidden treasures from a place full of great food and entertainment in the prominent hotels such the Inle Hotel. Unlike any place else across the globe, its cultural and colorful heritage provide a great stage for a couple of fun events that go on all year round. Once you get accommodation at the Inle Hotel you can relax so that you can plan on how you will spend your trip visiting the best sites in Myanmar. Such beautiful sites that you can visit are:


Chaukhtatgyi Paya


This is the most popular Buddhist temples in Bahan Township, Yangon. It houses one of the reclining Buddha images which is about 217 ft tall. Next, to this temple there a Shweminwon Sasana Yeiktha meditation center where so many locals gather so that they can meditate. Once you are at this temple you will find it easier to get someone who can show you around. Close to the feet of this Buddha you will be able to see a small shrine named Ma Thay. This name was for remembrance of a holy man who is believed to mysterious power in stopping rain and offering safety to the sailors.

Mergui Archipelago

It’s a beautiful cluster of islands which is located to the Southern part of Burma a few miles to Thai border. For you to enter this place you will have to pass through Kawthaung after this you can take a boat ride to the islands. Once you arrive there you will realize that there are more than 800 unspoilt islands at this place which is a home for Moken or sea gypsies. People who have traveled to this place have revealed that these gypsies are capable of diving more than 60 meters deep with rocks tied around their waists and they breath using an air nose which is held above the water surface.
