Company Registration in Chennai

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Registering a company in Chennai, which is one among the metropolitan city is not an easy task.

Who require 

It is required for just started or new firms that have started their enterprising. These companies are to operate under the eyes of law and government. Thus, it is available for different levels under different names for a better coordination with the government. A wise choice of business build up that levies many unnecessary tax filings. Thus assures a better functioning of the industry. 

The reasons to avail new registration of the company

1. Avoid unrequited confusions 

Tiring and complicated process that gives more stress and strain to the company financial team. 

2. Better guidance

 It is always mandatory to choose the better section that will solve the purpose applied for. This is possible only by a proper advisor.

3. Guide support requirement

All the stepwise procedures require documentation and possible technical manipulations require guidance for easy registration process. 

4. Preparation of prerequisites

All the pre requirements such as digital signature, DIN number are all completed in prior to the registration process. 

Why do need our support? 

  • Better Quality 

Assurance on quality service and trust worthy belief is the base to step up in any work. 

  • Accredited professionals

 Highly talented skills are necessary for proper documentation fulfilling the exact requirements and one time submission followed by approval is guaranteed. 

  • On-time service

Prevent delays or clear any other chaos in the process and complete as early as possible to get the registration approved in one go. 

  • Economic charges

There are agencies that do these processes at very high pricing. The result might also not be favorable. Not all companies focus on client satisfaction. We ensure to comfy our clients in all possible ways. 

Service followed under company registration are as follows

One person company registration 

The only one person will be the owner of the company and the same person can be a director with Indian Nationality. This is better than all other branches as all the responsibility and decision depends only on that single person. 

Positive aspects

  1. One person control
  2. Liability protection is limited for the director
  3. Easy Loan approval 
  4. Flexibility in tax is shown and
  5. No brokers are encouraged

Negative aspects

  1. The difference in tax charges is noted.
  2. Records are submitted for verification process 
  3. a minimum of 2 members must be there in the house of public record maintaining team.

Private Limited Company

The external funding sources are the ideal condition for this type of start up. But there needs to be 2 partners among which one needs to be based on India and is the most chosen path for small scale projects. this comprises of better legal formatting than ALL the others


  1. Tax benefits are highly considered
  2. Limited liability is seen
  3. Available tax benefits.


  1. 50 shareholders are allowed
  2. 2 directors are required in minimum
  3. Better fund-raising feasibility
  4. Shares  cannot be sold in public

Public Limited Company

The probability to transfer the shares to the public is very common and this type of company is hold their own rights and law. Assurance for the following is noted:

  1. Increase in turnover is noted
  2. Separate legal identity
  3. The members limited liability is restricted for the given shares.


  1. possibility to avail tax exemptions
  2. The ease of buying and selling of the shares are liberal.
  3. Good Access to the capital is noted.


  1. Filing of business tax returns are encountered.
  2. Great transparency.
  3. Mandatory auditing.
  4. increased initial commitment. 

Sole Proprietorship 

Single ownership without any sharing partners and not much of legal documentation process. this is very much suitable for minor firms.

Additional advantages:

  • 100% single hand management.
  • Affordable management services.
  • Minimal legal requirements

Slash away:

  • Liability authority is only for owners.
  • Self-employment tax services
  • Difficulty in capital collection

NGO Registration in Chennai 

Classified under section 8 norms and is classified under non-profit organisation, distributing profit for the development of business with the outsiders and not involving shareholders.


  • No initial fund
  • Income based tax exemptions are seen


  • Local government will review the regular reports
  • Clear and in-depth financial record maintenance
  • Auditing accounts is mandatory.

Procedure followed in Company registration in Chennai

Step: 1 Digital Signature Certificate

Step : 2 Director of Identification number

Step: 3 Name acceptance and approval

Step: 4 Document collection and registration of the company
