Outsourcing engineering services

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VMS understands that utilities and services are at the heart of any industrial facility and are vital for smooth running of the production process.

Outsourcing engineering services


VMS understands that utilities and services are at the heart of any industrial facility and are vital for smooth running of the production process. Modular approach in planning of utilities help in expanding and scaling up in future as necessitated by  increase in the production capacity. Mechanical, HVAC R and Fire Protection Engineers of VMS keep themselves abreast with the latest trends in utilities equipment, systems and technologies with the goal of designing a system that is robust, cost effective, energy saving, safe, optimally sized and will result in minimum downtime and maintenance.Firefighting system design for industries and warehouses.


  • Fire hydrant system, Fire sprinkler system, foam sprinkler system, gas suppression system, fire alarm and detection system, foam water monitors, aspiration smoke detection system, fire pumping
  • Study fire hazard category of factory based on factory process, process material, as per material to be stored, rack height /material storage height.
  • Calculation of fire load.
  • Decide how and when to apply performance and prescriptive based fire design approach.
  • Prepare Fire escape route.
  • Active fire protection system.
  • Design yard hydrant system and internal fire hydrant system: decide number of hydrants, distance between hydrants.
  • Design of fire sprinkler system: Selection of K factor, temperature rating of fire sprinkler based roof temperature, area coverage by sprinkler pattern, type of sprinkler upright/pendent based on factory process and process material, factory layout.
  • Selection of fire extinguishers based on class of fires i.e. Class A/B/C/D as per fire involved with various material like wood, cloth, plastic, electric equipment, flammable liquid, liquefied gases, combustible metals like zinc, aluminium, reactive water containing agents, etc.
  • Design of Fire alarm and detection system (FAD): Selection of conventional /addressable FAD system, selection and spacing of smoke and heat detectors, manual call points with hooters, zoning of building, zoning as per detectors, main fire alarm panel’s selection with required number of loop of fire alarm and detection devices.
  • Foam sprinkler system: Design foam sprinkler system solvent, Fuel tankers, Flammable liquid or toxic spill fires, Engine test cells, etc.
  • Fire water tank: sizing of fire water tank based on type of fire protection system, number of hour of pumping operation, number of hydrants plus sprinkler system operation.
  • Fire pumps: Finalization of duty parameters of fire water pumps, design of pumping as per NFPA or Indian standard or UL/FM.
  • Passive fire protection: fire door, building material selection, etc.


Call us at  :-  +91 – 79 – 40236 236,


Contact person :-  Shraddha Shah.


Contact us  :–  [email protected]


Website  :-  https://www.vmsconsultants.com/


Visit Link  :-  https://www.vmsconsultants.com/services/fire-protection-engineering-services/             
