The blizzard part by gold wow classic

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It's activision-blizzard. Activision would have eliminated the blizzard part by gold wow classic today if the name did not sell better than activision.

It's activision-blizzard. Activision would have eliminated the blizzard part by gold wow classic today if the name did not sell better than activision.Their Activision branch brings in 2x the revenue the Blizzard division does (993 mil vs. 461 mil last quarter).

You underestimate the amount of knuckle draggers that love Call of Duty.I've played both WoW and Destiny (2 games affected by Acti.) I will tell you what. . NOTHING CHANGED.IMO Blizzard is becoming lazy with or without Activision. In the late 90's early 00's they cared about their product. I believe blizz simply felt overly powerful regardless of activision and believe people will play the game no matter. You never wanna blame the company who had a significant role on your youth (Halo for Bungie and Warcraft/Starcraft/diablo for Blizzard) however acti. Still has great games that people love.

I really don't know whether I would point to some one major"thing", although clearly the Activision mix is one of the largest ones. But I think you are right in they became complacent and forgot what made them popular to begin with. Look at Diablo 3's launch, the lead guy working on it had open disdain for its prior director, there was this haughty feeling to the total layout and launch which everyone would play it just based on the name.It's a pity, but it is the nature of the games business also. Companies come and go for all sorts of reasons. Blizzard will sort itself out or fade off.If there's one thing that's been consistent about wow forms from 2004 to now is nonstop complaining and raging.The 2 things I hated about WOTLK was that the return of Naxx along with the Argent tourney.

Paying for rehashed content felt pretty ing bad. Especially since it was the very first raid after dropping money for the Xpac. Along with the argent tourney had the strangest dailies ever and then a"raid" which you just sat in 1 shitty appearing dirt floored room for 90 percent of it. Before falling into a pit and battling with a (edit) rehashed lvl 74 dungeon boss again...I think having Naxx was fine. But it being the first thing that you run into was only rather meh timing.Ulduar was the classic wow gold sellers best raid Blizzard ever made and it was so quickly made irrelevant by the worst raid Blizzard ever made. It's mind boggling.It felt bizarre to cancel my sub shortly after having the most fun from the sport I have ever had. 
