Sounding more true with this wow classic gold

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This rumor is sounding more true with this wow classic gold news. TBC in May appears a little too close to the launching of SL. I thought they would wait before a lull in SL to launch TBC:wow classic gold.

This rumor is sounding more true with this wow classic gold news. TBC in May appears a little too close to the launching of SL. I thought they would wait before a lull in SL to launch TBC:wow classic gold.

I was disappointed to say the least. There is nothing resembling an obstacle, you 1-2 shot all the mobs (even with your basic starter charms at level 10). There is no possibility of death when questing.

We decided to do a dungeon run and moved into the Nexus. I remember being quite hard back in the afternoon, but we just emptied through without even taking notice of healer/tank/dps roles.

I was absolutely not convinced that you could actually die in order a DPS I chose to run ahead and pull like 6 packs of trash. To my surprise I'd die, but nobody else did - that I had been ressed and we continued and completed the dungeon in like 10 minutes.

So yeah for people who have come to wow classic gold after a long absence from the game, or even for those for whom wow classic gold is their first WoW encounter, I do not think there'll be much exodus to retail.

I like there to be SOME obstacle involved, not just 1-2 shotting everything quickly you fly through the quests as quickly as you can run.

. Now they have mechanics, trendy, but buy classic wow gold you can pull 10 mobs at a time and ignore the mechanisms and be fine. So. . why?

The wow classic gold version at that level is significantly more difficult. It's like, if you don't need there to be some obstacle at all until epic and mythic difficulty, why even have the base content? Just skip it, focus your efforts on making more/better raid content if that's what the game really is.
