Tips to Prevent Carpenter Ants

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Carpenter ants are not good for your home, because they can destroy the structure of your home. Mainly they attracted to damp wood in your home.

Carpenter ants are not good for your home, because they can destroy the structure of your home. Mainly they attracted to damp wood in your home. They take such wood supports to make their home hence, it cause damage to the structural integrity of your house. You may not be able to control them once they invaded your house without the help of the professional pest control experts. But, there are a few precautions that you can take to prevent the damage carpenter ants infestation can cause to your property.

Carpenter ants are mostly active in the spring season. They reproduce in warmer environment and also build their nests in damp wood wherever they will find it, be it your house or any other place. They build their nests bout outside and inside your house. In fact, it is really hard to tell that there is a nest inside your home. And if you see even one of them inside your home then there is 100% chances that there is an infestation or nest in your house.

It is not common to see carpenter ants active indoors in the winter season. But if you have seen them inside your house in winter season then this means there is a nest inside and due to the warmth and dampness they are getting in your house. These are the things that makes the environment favorable for them to come.

Carpenter ants are not like termites, because they don’t eat wood. They burrow into the wood just to make their colonies. No matter whether inside or outside they just gravitate towards damp wood. Outside carpenter ants look for rotted logs, tree stumps, damp decaying structure, wood piles, etc. And indoors they will look for wood damaged by leaks, attic spaces and damp basements.

If you are looking for the tips to prevent carpenter ants infestation then make sure you are not providing them all the suitable places we have just discussed above to build their colonies. This means you should keep wood in your basement, attic and even inside the walls dry. Ensure there is no leaking pipes in your house, the basement should not be wet, dripping spouts, faulty gutters, etc. Clean your gardens and keep firewood piles away from the house

These are the tips for you to keep the carpenter ants away from your house. And if you have carpenter ant infestation indoor or outdoor then you should call the Pet Control Services. They are expert in removing pests from your place. Not only they will help you to get rid of them but, if you will do pest control at home at once in a year then you can protect your home from the most common pests of every season.

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