Importance Of School Translation Services In U.S. Schools

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School translation services are a lot more vital in US schools than what we expect. Click here to get details on its importance.

The demand for school translation services is growing at a great pace in the United States. It might be a surprise for you, but the US schools have the highest demand for such services in comparison to other nations. One huge reason behind this need for school translation by the schools in the United States is its multi-cultural and multi-language society. 

The United States has always been the favorite place for immigrants from around the globe. You can easily find Asian, African, European and others in the US. The languages spoken here are also increasing frequently. There are around 40 languages under the list of most commonly used languages in the United States. Also, there are more than 17 languages with at least half a million speakers.

Out of the total population of the country which is 331 million, as per recent data, only 239 million speak only the English language and are the native English speakers in the country. Rest 92 million are not native English speakers. 92 million is a big number and cannot be ignored. These are the population of the country that either speaks English as their second language or doesn’t have a good understanding of the language.

Targeting this huge population is important with every respect. Being the citizens of the country, they have the right to get information and education in their native language for better understanding. As businesses target this audience by translating their content into multiple languages, similarly schools are also required to do the same for their non-English speaking students by hiring school translation services.

School translation services are also extremely vital in US schools because there are a great number of students who are either bilingual or have a very limited understanding of the English language. 2016 was the year that completely changed the school education system in the United States forever. In the public schools of the country, the majority of students belong to the minorities. In simple language, it means that these are non-American students and most of them are fluent in some other language than English. A lot of them are also bilingual and use English as their second language but always prefer speaking their native language at home. Since then, this trend in the number of non-English speaker students is increasing with every passing year.

Schools and other academic institutes always look forward to offering classroom programs with integrated experience to all their students. The schools also want non-English students to progress academically and learn English. This requires effective communication between the students and the teachers. Also, they need to have all the educational material to be given to them in their native language. The school documents translation services are also used for parents or guardians to keep them informed about their child’s studies and academic progress.

This also promotes bilingualism that can be easily found in non-English speakers of the country. Being bilingual has its own benefits that we will discuss in some other blog. There are a lot of different kinds of documents that require translation for school students. A few of these are:

Notices, Bulletins, Report Cards, Standard Emails, Standard Letters, Student Forms, Parent Forms, Brochures, Pamphlets, Legal Documents, Classroom Schedules, Extracurricular Activity Schedules, Course Descriptions, School Bus Schedules, Enrollment Information, Student Services Information, Campus Information, Registration Information, Financial Aid Information, Lesson Plans, Presentations, Videos, Exam Papers, Exercises, Textbooks, Experiment Books, High School Diploma, High School Transcripts, and a lot more.


The teachers are required to have enough understanding and knowledge about the English and the native language of the targeted students but should also need to know the differences between the cultures of the countries where the languages belong. And, only accurate school translation services like Academic Translation Services can help you clear this difference between the English and non-English students.

Academic Translation Services has a lot to offer under their school translation services. It has dedicated services like high school diploma translation, high school transcript translation, notice translation, and much more with accurate quality results and super rush delivery time and comes at extremely reasonable rates.
