WoW Classic isn't going to be the"savior" most of classic wow gold

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vanilla WoW Classic again to attempt to avoid the grind that seems elysium project gold now

WoW Classic isn't going to be the"savior" most of classic wow gold the good people who shot Blizzard to the very best are now gonethe current WoW Classic game is horrible and I have no expectation for WoW Classic. WoW Classic will not be like the original, you've got devs in Blizzard who cannot compare to the men who made the original WoW Classic and your hoping they are able to get something close, I will inform you that do not get your hopes up because you can't compare it. It is a hope and a dream of players to have my buddies because the WoW Classic we loved is gone you will need to accept reality, the actual WoW Classic back. It is gone forever and accept that and you will have to come to terms. Look at exactly what occurred with D3 and look how WoW Classic is now, render Blizzard for great like I've done and maybe n 5-7 years we'll get a really new amazing MMORPG from another programmer. The Great and Amazing WoW Classic we love has expired.

I played anyone who played vanilla remenbers that core equipment was much superior, since 2004. This has to be sorted, so individuals shouldn't feel they need to PVE to have the ability to compete. What's the choice for you personally as a pvp rogue if you're not willing to do PVE? After other rogues have geared and do raids that are tier2/tier3 you will fall behind no matter your abilities in PVP. Truth of the matter is unless you are eager to raid you are going to end up falling behind. And trust me molten core is going to be cleared rather fast.

Dude that′s not altering anything, that is sorting out a inbalance created between pve and pvp, either that or rework the pvp rewards so people arent pressured to a PVE path. There is zero reason to earn players cases just to get geared for pvp. Blizzard know that itemization for PVP was late-game vanilla that is unfair and so individuals really can enjoy the vanilla match any way that they 29, it needs to be adressed to. I shouldnt be at a massive disadvantage just because I want to clean all that material (again). Did this once and I′m heading into vanilla WoW Classic again to attempt to avoid the grind that seems elysium project gold now. Even if I opt to grind, there should be 2 clear paths (pvp/pve) The grand-marshal gear was another faulty system. It rewarded premade classes that played 24x7 (literaly). Field Marshal was reached by me and gave up on Grand Marshal. And yes I had been encouraged to premades however that strategy needs a huge rework for its WoW Classic release.
