Quick Resolution of Canon MX922 Support Code 6000

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Do you experience Canon MX922 Support Code 6000 while working on your Canon printer or printing some document? As soon as the error code arises, you might not understand the exact reason of this issue.

. In order to introduce you to the error, we have provided all the essential details, you require to know. This error code clearly signifies that there is some trouble with the Line Feed (LF) of your printing device.

Reasons behind Canon MX922 Support Code 6000:-

Below we have listed some common adverse conditions that may result in this error with your Canon printer.

  • It mainly occurs when the paper feed tray of printer avoids its opening when something gets blocked in it, usually paper pieces or dust particles.
  • This error code may also occur when the tray is not accurately fitted in the printer.
  • This error code may also arise when we try to give a multiple paper print command at a single time.
  • It may also arise on your system when the printer is surrounded by lots of documents.
  • Line feed is either smeared or scratched.
  • When any defect occurs in sensor unit or in-line feed slit.

Process to Troubleshoot Canon Printer Error 6000:-

We have provided few steps below with the help of that a user may resolve this issue quickly.

Resting or Rebooting your printer might help you in fixing Canon printer error code 6000. Follow the step by step process provided below to do the same.

  • Initially, unplug your printer device from the power switch, and leave as it is for few seconds in the similar pause mode.
  • Subsequently, re-plug the power cord of your printer and again switch On it.
  • Tap and hold the “Power” button for some seconds. Now press the “Stop” button twice.
  • Now repeat this procedure one or two more times.
  • Now leave the “Power” button very slowly.
  • Finally, click the “Stop” button for four times.

This process will definitely fix your issue. But if you are still facing Canon MX922 Support Code 6000, then seek professional assistance for quick resolution of error code.

Resource URL : Canon MX922 Support Code 6000
