I played in wow classic gold buy

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I played in wow classic gold buy a top level of retail vanilla (naxx guild). Warriors were great back then as well, but I really do n`t remember them to be as great as on servers in pve.

Thing is though, if Blizz screws up traditional and launch game, P-servers will have a field-day from it. Being able to datamine the information from Classic could give rise to a P-servers that are very accurate. We might even see them even if Classic launches efficiently. A lot of players prefer to play free than register to Classic.I played in wow classic gold buy a top level of retail vanilla (naxx guild). Warriors were great back then as well, but I really do n`t remember them to be as great as on servers in pve. As for other things stated in this movie. Utilizing and flasking world buffs like it is being done on servers isn't Blizz like whatsoever. Flasks were employed except maybe on the tank, for development raids. Flasks are far too cheap on servers.

You will be believed by morons like these, if you understand so little then stop acting like your random opinions are fact. Your vids are nothing but opinions based on minor information you've gathered that more than likely will change by the nethergarde wow gold time classic releases?.you clearly did not see the movie, I have read all your shitty comments all of the way through.

He spoke from Nost who clearly says that changes made and a good deal of thing procs and the coefficients were suspect work and quality of life improvements. So can you please see the movie or simply shut the fuck up?? I have played WoW Classic since the beggining, I've played a great deal of server. Im able to create up my mind. Jesus, get a life dude.

I agree that versions of mangos were base of mechanisms on private servers, although I would say WoW Classicemu was base of WoW Classic servers that are private. My best memories come from WoW Classicemu times, when 30% of spells/abilities worked half-correctly, but comunity was unbelievable. My first green thing was obtained from ol' soothy bear which was wrongly filmed near Stormwind but boy it had been ecstatic:-RRB- Im looking forward to play with WoW Classic.

My largest concern about Classic is Alterac Valley and the honor system. Alterac Valley started out as a tough and epic BG that provided both PvE and PvP troughout the struggle and may go on for days. Blizzard did nerfs to the battleground to make it easier Since the patches moved trough. In the end patch the reinforcements which compelled the battleground to end after XX amount of time had been introduced by them.
