SwaddleMe Cosleeper

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The SwaddleMe Cosleeper is a wonderful innovation that makes it possible for the baby to enjoy all the comfort, warmth, and softness of a blanket with no bothersome inconvenience. It's made from soft 100% cotton and is made with a special design that enables the baby to keep their he

The SwaddleMe Cosleeper is a wonderful innovation that makes it possible for the baby to enjoy all the comfort, warmth, and softness of a blanket with no bothersome inconvenience. It's made from soft 100% cotton and is made with a special design that enables the baby to keep their head warm without making their tummy feel cold.

The SwaddleMe Cosleeper was designed by the world renown child psychologist, Catherine Wood, who's spent decades helping parents prepare their children for the arrival of the babies.  With this knowledge, she was able to combine her expertise in babies and their needs with her experience in designing a product is effective for babies as young as nine months old.One of the best things about the SwaddleMe Cosleeper is that it's super soft and very easy to use. 

All you need to do is put it over your baby and it'll offer all of their comfort needs without the hassle of needing to adjust your baby for comfort. The SwaddleMe Cosleeper can also be ideal since it prevents the infant from rolling over on his back. This allows the baby to use the lowest portion because of his or her hand or other small items.The SwaddleMe is also great because it provides support for a infant when sleeping and prevents sagging. With regular sleeping, a kid can liven up to 10 inches and may be uncomfortable. A baby that employs the SwaddleMe will never sag and will always be comfortable.Some parents have also reported that the SwaddleMe works nicely to maintain their little ones warm throughout the night , when they aren't nursing. 


The SwaddleMe is also great because it provides support for a baby when sleeping and prevents sagging. With regular sleeping, a baby can liven around ten inches and can be uncomfortable. A baby which uses the SwaddleMe will never sag and will always be comfortable.

Some parents also have reported that the SwaddleMe works well to maintain their little ones warm throughout the night time, when they are not nursing. The SwaddleMe works to keep them comfy with the warmth and softness of this SwaddleMe, and may be used during the whole night.
