The value of the Animal Crossing Bells

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, the IRS see a massive cash deposit into buy Animal Crossing New Horizons Items your bank accounts. They investigate and realize you didn't pay tax on it. Your prison for the next 60 years... 40 in the event that you've got good behavior.

Since a lot of popular games utilize dollars as their money, the value of the Animal Crossing Bells buck starts dropping faster than a bolivar(Venezuela's coin), thus crashing the US economy. Since the states now are broke, they wind up becoming a third world nation without the potential for getting back in their own foot.

Video game currency is translatable into actual money across the globe, and the economy crashes as people start paying off debts with Mario coins. To avoid total government destruction, video games have been declared prohibited forever.

, the debt additionally carries over and your job your days and nights at animal crossing just hoping to survive and not die of the meager food rations and attempting not to get caught because you steal electricity simply to get an opportunity at a poor, useless, and complete miserable life.

, the IRS see a massive cash deposit into buy Animal Crossing New Horizons Items your bank accounts. They investigate and realize you didn't pay tax on it. Your prison for the next 60 years... 40 in the event that you've got good behavior.

. However, now it works that way for everyone and currency hyper inflates and becomes worthless. The excellent world depression ensues as everyone struggles to obtain a new baseline to appreciate their money. Governments opt to base it off of rare earth minerals.
