OPC Company registration in Bangalore

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One Person Company implies an organization which has just a single part, ' it offers an optimal chance for start-up dares to work as a legitimate substance. Not withstanding, just regular conceived Indians are qualified for structure and OPC registration in Bangalore.

One Person Company implies an organization which has just a single part, ' it offers an optimal chance for start-up dares to work as a legitimate substance. Notwithstanding, just regular conceived Indians are qualified for structure and OPC registration in Bangalore. No individual can work with over 5 such organizations simultaneously. It is a moderately novel idea where a solitary individual has the whole control of the business. In any case, there are no investors for the business. The liabilities are at any rate also settling on it the main decision of youthful business people who are expecting to acquire traction in the business world. The proprietor bends over as the chief here while the subsequent individual is a candidate chief with definitely no force aside from when the chief is unequipped for working appropriately. Besides, the OPC should be changed over into a 'Private Limited Company' if turnover surpasses 50 lakhs or a 'Public Limited' on the off chance that it has a normal turnover surpassing 2 crore

Document Required for OPC Registration

The head of the OPC ought to present the examined records/duplicates of the accompanying archives required for OPC Registration Consultants services in Bangalore

  • PAN card or Passport 
  • Passport, for NRIs and Foreign Nationals 
  • Scanned record of Driver's License or Voter's ID 
  • Updated gas or power receipt/Bank account Statement/Mobile or landline telephone receipt 
  • Specimen mark or impression 
  • passport-sized photograph 

Benefits of OPC in Bangalore

  • Only One Shareholder – Only a characteristic individual who is an Indian inhabitant will be qualified to consolidate an OPC. The individual is more likely than not to remain in India for a time of no less than 182 days in the first year.
  • Single Promoter – OPC is the solitary corporate substance that can be begun and worked by a solitary advertiser with restricted responsibility security in India and guarantees the ceaseless presence of the business alongside simple possession adaptability.
  • Nominee for the Shareholder – The solitary proprietor of the OPC will select someone else who will turn into the chief if there should arise an occurrence of insufficiency/passing of the first chief. Just a characteristic individual who is an Indian occupant is qualified to turn into a chosen one of the OPC.
  • Easy Transferability – The responsibility for OPC can be moved effectively by moving the organization's shares. The marking, recording, and move of offer declarations and offers move structures are adequate to move the responsibility for the organization. In OPC, proprietorship can be either moved by adjusting the chosen one chief's data, shareholding, or the directorship.
  • Borrowing Capacity – It is a lot recognizable that the banks and other monetary foundations like to give subsidizing to an organization as opposed to association firms or restrictive concerns. Notwithstanding, an OPC can't issue numerous sorts of value security as it is claimed by one individual consistently.
  • Owning Property – An organization getting a charge out of the status if a fake individual is qualified to secure, own appreciate and distance property in its name. The property that is claimed by the organization could be structures, land, hardware, theoretical resources, processing plant, private property, and so on Also, the candidate chief is restricted to guarantee any responsibility for an organization while filling in as the chosen one chief.

How to get OPC Company registration in Bangalore?

Get your OPC or One Person Company registration in Bangalore and incorporate your services with easy, simple, and affordable cost at Consultry. Feel free to send your inquiry to info@consultry.in or feel free to contact: 7975187793 or visit https://www.consultry.in/

