You're going to be really bad and be Mut 20 coins

Yorumlar · 996 Görüntüler

You're going to be really bad and be Mut 20 coins unable to do anything contrary to the cpu or really good and no you're in between..

You're going to be really bad and be Mut 20 coins unable to do anything contrary to the cpu or really good and no you're in between.. I also noticed that every single time you tackle the cpu, their players always fall a couple yards forward even on hit stick tackles and every time your players have been handled they fall backwards losing yards rather than falling in the initial spot where the attack occurred.. That's how they programmed the..

Tried real hard to play MUT and it is far too much of a grind and the H2H MUT matchmaking is awful. A 77 team should not be paired with teams in the 80s. It is pay to win. If you do not use micro transactions then you need to grind for HOURS doing insanely boring challenges, and even thenyou may hardly be able to compete.

I only spent 15 hours last week getting into cheap Madden 20 coins a 77 total. Twice H2H tried, and I had been paired with guys who team was better. My very best guy was a 82 total Ty Law and his worst man was a 87 total TE. Overall aside, the rate advantage and carrying (fumbles) was impossible to defend. I'd fumble every 2 plays and no one could be covered by me or becoming open. Because his 80s DL ruined my high OL I had to run.

It is not possible to win.TL; DR: grind 100 hours of boring solo struggles to get an typical team, or pay money to get a team that can compete with the people you'll be paired with. Pay to win bullshit. I can not even go in Exhibition because it doesn't even monitor my win/loss record with teams that are different. You shed out and see they have so much better of a group. They sacrifice players to find those players to stop out or pony up.
