EA hadn't ponied up the cash

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Talking of cartoons, these games were ahead of the time over 10 decades ago. It's been with this exclusivity contract that is terrible. Was really funny(sad) because MUT 20 Coins began selling their games for like $20 off iirc just to tell everybody they were confident in their merchandise, their engine and their franchise that they'd use it basically in some ways as a loss leader to get a year at least just to get people just to give them a chance. Then EA was like"fuck competition, we're going to cover the NFL so that we are the only game in town". If there's anything that makes me despise EA above all else, it was that. To be honest then Sega did what EA did with soccer to baseball, eliminating the superior MLB franchise (MVP Baseball) to force their terrible franchise on everybody. Competition is good, but these companies always find a way around having to compete.

Not minding it, only that every press release was"EA pays the NFL $300 million for exclusive rights to be the only NFL video game" kind of stuff. Nothing regarding the NFL initiating the talks and being unhappy. Sounds as though it was Madden game firms. The MLB did so as well shortly after without any discount shenanigans that are bizarre out of MVP baseball.

You think I am saying they were forced by them ? They came up with this anti-competition plan because by also offering their game considerably cheaper so they offered that a boatload of money to perform it to the NFL 2K was looking great and jeopardized their cash. Sure blame the NFL, they probably realized they would get more royalties out of it also but that does not make your narrative true that they arrived into EA or that it had been their idea.I was not commenting on who's idea it was, only the fact the when it comes down to it, the existence of the exclusive permit stays entirely on the NFL. 2K would have, if EA hadn't ponied up the cash. The license was gonna happen no matter who got it.

If EA had not ponied up the cash, 2K could have. The exclusive permit gonned na happen no matter who obtained it. Was not this the very first deal like this of its own kind? Was the NFL even considering this as a chance before EA had been"lobbying for this for many years" or anything? This is where I sort of wanted some evidence to buy Madden 20 Coins, as to me this doesn't look inevitable without EA going out of the way opening a line of dialogue and supplying hundreds of millions, although this could be the case.
