One additional thing, if I may. At our fan event, RuneFest, that is held once per year and we've got approximately 1,500 RuneScape gold players who come to experience a fantasy of RuneScape, we've got our charities there. We had a quiet room where our runescape players talk and may return if they wish to. Absolutely, but you are not part of creating this problem? You believe you're part of the solution for this? No, I don't think we're part of creating that problem at all. If you're speaking about a million runescape players at RuneScape, that is representative of society. You cannot get away from this. You will find a range of negatives which those folks will experience.
The other thing I would like to challenge on this is that there are positive elements to gameplay. There are significant positive aspects to gameplay, while that's interpersonal abilities, whether it's improved cognitive behaviour, whether that's people learning how economies work because we have a very real virtual economy in RuneScape, and so on. All of those things are valuable life lessons. The simple fact that individuals follow and may set themselves targets in terms of achievements pathways on that within RuneScape, people are invaluable life lessons that are crucial. All of us project managers in our job need to be in a position to do that and manage to it. RuneScape does give our runescape players elements of that, and it is commented on by them quite freely and openly.
Its other portion is we regularly examine our runescape players and why they play with RuneScape. The top answer is always,"As a means to unwind, as a way to get away from the stress of the actual world." They see RuneScape as a pastime and as a release for them. As Kelvin stated, the positives of RuneScape and gambling --all of the elements that Kelvin has covered--there are numerous them.We deeply care about the wellbeing of the runescape players. The simple fact that we've got runescape players who have been enjoying for years, we are very pleased with buy rs3 gold the fact that we have that. In those instances which you do mention, that are rare, we supply all of the information that is necessary to encourage them.
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