Impact of home environment on child`s education

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This article briefs the role of parents in improving the scholastic performance of children and the ways to mange them.Some of the direct and indirect factors that influence on the children`s education are explained here.


Home is the first school and the mother is the first teacher. For all of us education has started its baby`s steps while we grow up with the family in our very early days. There is great connection between how parents enact with how kids perform in their academic. On the other hand, at school, we learn the previously unknown information to get through our exams which in turn lead to the eligibility to move on to higher studies. Home environment provides a great foundation to build advance concepts taught by teachers at schools. It is the duty of the parent to connect with schools and to follow-up academics in a timely manner. Many opine that school can teach discipline but the seriousness that child requires to be imbibed by the way parents behave. In a study conducted by British education council, mother's education level was the single most significant factor for young child's academic success. Let us dive deep into what exactly happens if the child is brought up in a natural and affectionate environment.



Parental factors affecting academic performance

  1. Role of care and nurture

It is the duty of every parent to make sure that their children are consoled, cared, well-fed, and well-rested. This can create a positive physical and mental atmosphere in the family which instill a mindset that parents are doing everything at their best to encourage the child. A good family helps prepare students in advance on what to learn and how to learn in school. A harmonious parent-child relationship with care, nurture, acceptance and encouragement can do wonders but not to forget, the parents must be firm in anything. Parental overprotectiveness, disrespect, non-responsive tendency, authoritarianism and disapproval can ruin the education badly.


  1. Role of family structure in child`s education

Family configuration and size does matter to a great extent when it comes to child`s success in education. Factors such as structure of the family depending upon whether it is a nuclear family or joint family, pupils education is impacted. In a nuclear family there is high chance of greater attention from parents however, child might not share everything what he or she feels to do so whereas in a joint family this is not the case. Most of the extended and joint families have many siblings and relatives where kids can exchange ideas and reinforce each other to manage their learning needs. Furthermore, influence of grand parents and second degree relatives can also have both positive and negative influences on the outcome of academic performance. A study found that verbal and writing skills of those children grown up in a joint family was poor however they were very good at socialization and behavior.


  1. Role of parental education and occupation

Factors such as parental education, job roles and the time they can spare with the child has very high correlation with the academic outcomes of the child. It is crystal clear that a child is as like a parent in many respects and the same applies in education. The imitative behavior of children is great plus for the parents to make sure their children will be in track. Parents with good education generally influence their own behavior in a way the child can also be interested in the education. Genetic influences are also another factor that can favor the child’s performance. Most of the working parents tend to have lesser time in guiding and assisting their kid`s homework and other academic demands. However, on the other hand, children being always backed by parents may behave stubborn as many kids dislike over-supervision.


  1. Parental relationship and child`s education

This is probably the most stressing factor that influence chil`s performance. A positive relationship between and within the child and parents can result in a great impact on the child. A loving, harmonious and encouraging tendency by the parents along with being participative can be a boost in many ways. Parental conflicts, divorced parents, step-parents, parents with criminal background can substantially harm the scholastic outcome of children. But it is hard to generalize these factors as in some cases we see that children brought up under difficult circumstances can make a good deal.


  1. Role of parental behavior and attitudes towards education

This is also one of the significant factor that can connect the children with child`s academic activities. A positive attitude, respectful, firm and disciplinary code of conduct exhibited by the parents can make children comfortable which can definitely play a role in the education. A healthy and open communication, sense of belongingness, motivation and rewarding behavior of parents are also important.  Negative behaviors and habits such as alcoholism, parental conflicts,.


  1. Physical environment of home and education

Children tend to be more averse and disinterested in those families where there is a lot of physical distraction, poor housing conditions associated with sub-standard hygiene, improper lighting and ventilation. It is very important to keep the surroundings and neighborhood clean, peaceful and conducive for child`s activities.


In a nutshell, children feel connected and motivated if the parents create an environment that is loving, motivated, supportive, clean and complete. No matter, how difficulty is the situation, parents have to enact and fit into the kid`s world. Nevertheless, discipline and constructive criticism are inseparable parts of academics.


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